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Who do I call?

I have a question or concern. Who should I call?

Main Line
If you have a transportation change that needs to be made for the day or a general campus question, please call our campus main line at 281-328-9320.

If your child will be absent, late, or will need to be picked up early, you can call the campus attendance clerk:
BES Attendance Clerk, Sandra Hernandez, at 281-328-9320.

If you have a question about administering medications at school, immunizations, or other concerns regarding your child's medical health, please contact the campus nurse:
BES Nurse, Angie Schexnayder at 281-328-9320 ext. 1407.

Your Child's Teacher
Your child's teacher should be the starting point with any concerns regarding your child's progress, curriculum, classroom expectations, or matters of discipline in the classroom.

The Campus Counselor/Assistant Principal
If your classroom concern was not resolved after speaking with your child's teacher or you have a concern that relates to campus rules or regulations, student placement, student registration, student records, parent participation or matters related to school-wide activities or building-specific issues, you should contact the campus counselor or the assistant principal.
Katherine Senior
BES Counselor
281-328-9320 ext. 1406

Andrea McArthur
BES Assistant Principal

Transportation Department
Questions about the District's Transportation Department, bus routes, route concerns, and services provided by this department should be directed to:
Ms. Misti Mason
Transportation Director 
281-328-9200 ext. 1278

Child Nutrition Services
Contact the Child Nutrition Department for any questions related to our District lunch program, free/reduced lunch applications, or other child nutrition matters.  Additionally, you may visit the Child Nutrition Services Webpage for updated information:
Teresa Evans
Director of Child Nutrition Services
281-328-9200 ext. 1250

Maintenance and Operations Department
Questions about buildings, grounds, or facility rentals should be directed to:
Chuck Murray
Director of Maintenance and Operations
281-328-9200 ext. 1272

Curriculum and Instruction Department
Questions related to instructional practices, special programs (504, RtI, Gifted and Talented, Dual Language, etc.), or curriculum concerns that were not resolved at the campus level should be directed to the District Curriculum and Instruction department:
Anita Abernethy
Secretary for District Curriculum and Instruction Dept.
281-328-9200 ext. 1221

Special Education Department
All matters related to special education services that were not resolved at the campus level should be directed to the Special Education Department:
Stacy Bergeron
Secretary for District Special Education Dept.
281-328-9200 ext. 1107

Student Services Department
Serious safety concerns that have already been discussed with the campus principal or a safety concern that is urgent and affects more than just my child's campus should call Dr. Patricia Kay.  Student concerns that are not related to curriculum/instruction that have already been discussed at the campus level should also call the Student Services Department.  Resolving issues at the campus level is typically the quickest way to address a problem. 
Katrina White

Community Relations Department
Questions about Board meetings, Board Elections, Public Information Requests, Media Relations or other Public Relations matters should be directed to:
Brett Birkinbine
Director of Community Relations
281-328-9200 ext. 1203


Board Policy FNG(Local) addresses informal and formal complaint processes.