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Attendance Procedures


  Send a parent note or a doctor's note with your child within 3 days of returning to school to receive an excused absence.  If you have access to a printer, feel free to use the absence note template.
•  Only 3 excused absences will be allowed per semester.

*** Tardies and early check-outs will count against Perfect Attendance.
  When a student arrives after the tardy bell has rung, a parent/guardian ​must​ escort the student to the office.
If the student arrives at school after 10:20 a.m., he/she will be reported as absent. The absence will be excused if he/she has been to the doctor prior to arriving at school; however, the student must present a note from the doctor. Although the absence will be excused for state attendance purposes, the child will not be eligible for the campus Perfect Attendance Award.
  Checking the student out prior to dismissal time should be reserved for doctor’s appointments and family emergencies. If a student must be picked up before the dismissal bell rings, written notice should be provided to the teacher. Although the early out will be excused for state attendance purposes, the child will not be eligible for the campus Perfect Attendance Award
  Only people listed by the parent on the Emergency Contact Form will be allowed to remove the student from campus. No Exceptions.
  Failure to pick students up at dismissal in a timely manner could result in request of assistance from the local law authorities.

For more in-depth information regarding student attendance, pleas refer to the following Board Policies:

Attendance Clerk

Sandra Hernandez
281-329-9320 ext. 1405

Absence Note Template

You may either handwrite your child's absence note or use the template form linked below, but students must turn in a signed, hard copy to the attendance clerk:

Absence Note Template