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Health Services

Health Services

Detailed information on health services can be found in the Student Handbook.  Please take some time to review the information regarding school and medical care in the handbook.

School Health Services Include:

1. Providing direct student health related services.
2. Rendering of first aid.
3. Evaluating student illness and health needs.
4. Monitoring ill students until they are well enough to return to class or be released to their parents.
5. Administering medication that is medically necessary during the school day.
6. Administering medical procedures that are medically necessary during the school day.
7. Screening for problems in vision, hearing, posture, Diabetes risk, Body Mass Index (BMI) and other health problems relevant to the school population.
8. Creating and implementing a plan of care for students who require health interventions to be successful in school.
9. Reviewing and interpreting immunization records for compliance with Texas immunization requirements.
10. Consulting and providing guidance regarding health concerns for students, parents and teachers.
11. Referring students with identified health problems.
12. Working to prevent and control communicable diseases.

Emergency Information

All enrolled students have emergency information on file in the clinic. This information must include all necessary information to locate the parent or guardian of the student. The instructions should give permission to the school to send the child to the most accessible doctor of hospital in case of severe illness of injury.  In all cases, every attempt will be made to contact the parents of the child. ***This information must be updated annually and when changes occur by the parent/guardian. 

Medical Records

Student’s health records are maintained in the campus clinic. Student health information will be available to other staff on “a need to know” basis. This will be determined by the nurse in consultation with the parent.

Student Health Screening

Texas Law requires the following Health Screenings for students in the following grades:

  • Vision and Hearing: Grades Pre-K3, Pre-K4, K, 1, 3, 5, 7 as well as new students entering the district.
  • Scoliosis: Girls Grade 5, Follow up screening in Middle School for Girls and Boys.
  • Diabetes Risk Assessment: Grades 1, 3, 5, and 7

The following Health Screenings are recommended by Texas Department of State Health Services (TDH)

  • Height, Weight and BMI: Fitness Gram, Grade 3-12

Parents, students, and staff may request a screening at any time. Students who fail the screening will receive a referral notice for further evaluation. A parent/guardian may present proof of vision, hearing, and scoliosis evaluations from private sources, in lieu of this screening. 

Texas Administrative Code - Rule §97.7 - Diseases Requiring Exclusion from Schools